Ein Einblick in Don Donkey's: Qualität, Tradition und Tierwohl

An insight into Don Donkey's: Quality, tradition and animal welfare

Welcome to Don Donkey's, your reliable supplier of high-quality donkey milk products. We are a dedicated family business that is committed to the production of donkey milk with heart and soul. Our mission is to preserve the valuable donkey milk in its purest form and to make it accessible to more people.

Our origin and quality

Our donkey milk comes exclusively from Germany and the surrounding neighboring countries. We work closely with small, certified organic farms that have the highest standards in keeping and feeding the animals. We personally select these farms and visit them regularly to ensure that our high quality requirements are met at all times. Through strict husbandry, production and feeding controls, we guarantee that every bottle of donkey milk that leaves our premises meets the highest standards.

Natural husbandry and feeding

For us, the well-being of our donkeys is our top priority. The animals are kept in a natural environment with spacious pastures where they can move freely and eat their natural food consisting of grasses and herbs. In addition, in winter they are fed hay and a small amount of grain, fruit and vegetables to ensure a balanced diet. This natural husbandry and feeding is reflected in the exceptional quality of our donkey milk.

Tradition and handcraft

Another feature that makes our donkey milk so special is the traditional handwork that goes into every step of production. Milking is done entirely by hand to spare the animals the stress of machines and at the same time to extract the valuable milk gently. Our partners share our passion for animal welfare and quality and work with us to get the best out of the donkey milk.

commitment and transparency

We are proud to be part of a growing movement that is rediscovering the extraordinary health benefits of donkey milk. From cosmetics to health, donkey milk is a true all-rounder and we are committed to preserving and sharing it in its purest form. Our customers appreciate the transparency with which we disclose our production processes and the care we put into each bottle.

We are happy to have you on this journey with us and are always available to answer questions and suggestions. Because at Don Donkey's everything revolves around quality, tradition and the love for our animals.
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