Frequently asked questions

What does donkey milk taste like?

Don Donkey's donkey milk tastes sweet , fresh , light and has a gentle nutty flavor .

How healthy is donkey milk?

Donkey milk is extremely healthy , rich in vitamins and minerals , hypoallergenic , easily digestible , antioxidant and supports both skin care and heart health .

Where does donkey milk come from?

Our donkey milk comes from female donkeys, is milked by hand and produced by small, selected & certified organic farms in Germany and neighboring European countries, where the welfare of the donkeys is the top priority.

What is donkey milk good for?

Donkey milk is extremely healthy and is used for skin problems , the immune system and vitality – donkey milk is an all-rounder .

Why is donkey milk so expensive?

The price of our donkey milk reflects the rare and precious nature of donkey milk itself, which is obtained in small quantities and meets high quality standards .